Minggu, 10 Februari 2019

Who Is The Catholic Priest? Imam Katolik Itu Siapa?


source: http://www.sesawi.net/belajar-dari-berbagai-tipe-romo-2/

Priest is a people who always is called “pastor”, “romo”, “father”, “padre”, “pater” and so on in the Catholic Church. They have many calling due to the different of language in every place made them have a lot of calling. For example, in English language they are called “father”, in Javanese language they are called “romo” and so on. Besides, they almost are different with other people.
First, they almost are smart in thinking, solving problems, managing time for praying, doing sport, taking rest, good in performance and so on. They almost are smart because they had accustomed all more than eight years before become a priest. Besides, some of them always reads book and buy a new book every month or week. They also learn many things from other people around them. In the other hand, they are diligent to do something. It had made them too smart in everything.
Second, they are a servant for all people. They must live around all people and they must know about the condition of all people around them. Besides, they are a prime servant in sacrament. It should for them. Even though, in the midnight or the distance is far. For example; giving the holy oil for people who needs. In the other hand, we can’t celebrate the holy mass without them due to only them can lead the holy mass.
Third, they can’t marry because they must be focus to serve other people. It will make them easy to go and serve in anywhere. It is also a rule from Church and the example of life from Jesus. In the other hand, all of Catholics are their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and sons. It made them have many families.
Accordingly, we can see that priests almost are different with other people. We can see its from their daily life and ability. Their daily life and ability made many people labeling that they are able to do anything. Therefore, they were looked different with others.
