Selasa, 09 Mei 2017


Regret Always Comes Last

One day, there are lovers who live happily. Dino and Jessy, they've been dating about seven months more. They come from different families. Jessy is the child of a wealthy rich family while the Dino is only a child of a poor peasant who lives barely, but the difference does not interfere with their relationship.
In the life of both of them, Dino loved Jessy very much. Every time they meet, Dino folded paper birds then Jessy rolls the paper birds in her room. The birds contain all the Dino expectations to Jessy. The number of paper birds that Dino give to Jessy has reached 999.
One day Dino folded a thousandth paper bird, in the paper he wrote that he wanted to marry Jessy. But then Jessy refuses and says that Dino does not deserve to marry her, because she needs money and wealth, and then Jessy leaves Dino.
Since then Dino is determined to start a business and a few years later he has become a rich man and can buy anything with his money. One day as he was walking in his new car, he saw a running husband with an unkempt appearance, he followed the husband and wife because he knew that the husband and wife were the parents of his former Jessy who had abandoned him first.
A few moments later the husband and wife went into a funeral and Dino shocked and immediately got out of the car following Jessy parents. How surprised he was after seeing a tomb filled with paper birds and he saw a picture of Jessy, the girl he loved was in the tomb. Then Jessy's parents also gave a letter that Jessy want gave it to Dino.
In the letter Jessy apologizes to Dino for not telling her that she is actually exposed to cervical cancer and she does not want to complicate Dino life later on. After reading the letter Dino was crying and he was sorry for letting Jessy feel lonely against her pain even until she died. Jessy is very sacrificed for Dino, so Dino does not fall in despair.

