Kamis, 04 Mei 2017


The Pure Heart Boy

        Once upon a time, lived a boy who lost his parents when he was a baby. Then, a widow in that village take care of him. He was kind, diligent, had a strong body, and also he was smart. But, he always working all the time. The widow always trying to persuade him to not worked so hard, and told him that he must going to the park to play with the other kid. But he refused! He said that the widow is the only important person to him, that’s why he keep working very hard to get money and gave it to the widow.
        But, the happiness is not forever. 6 months later the widow died because of the heart attack. She died when the boy were working. The boy was very sad and cried all day long. The villagers trying to stop the crying but, they couldn't. The boys didn't go to work again, he just crying in the house and refuse the help offer from the villagers. The villagers worried about him and told the chief that they must help the boy.
        So, the chief went to the boy house with his daughter. His daughter had the same age with the boy. When the chief arrived, he didn't knock the door and just walk through the house and found the boy cried in the corner of the widow bedroom. Hearing the crying, The Chief felt the same feeling that the boy felt. Then the chief brought the boy to the town hall to lived with him. The boy tried to refuse the offer, but chief’s daughter was there and hugged the boy. She told the boy that, she also felt the same feeling because her mother also died when the chief’s daughter were playing with her friends.
        Finally, the boy agreed to live with the chief and grew up to became a handsome and charismatic man in that village. And the chief’s daughter also grew up to became a very beautiful women and soon she will be the chief of that village. They lived together and finally arranged to married next month. The current chief was very happy to hear that news. The villagers prepared all the need to make sure that the wedding day is the best wedding day ever.
        The chief’s daughter name is Laura. Laura told the boy all the secret she has but the boy never told her his secret, even the boy name. Laura was very curious and asked that to that boy. The boy didn't say anything, he just stood up and look the scenery from the window. Laura keep pushing him to told his name. The boy felt so pressed and he cried on the Laura’s shoulder. Laura was confused, what happened to him. Why he cried? What’s wrong with the boy’s past that always made him cried when he remembered his past?
        A week later, the boy went to the city. But, Laura told him that he must not go to the city. It was because Laura felt the strange feeling. The boy is still want to going because he had a important thing to do in there. One week passed, and the boy is still didn't came back. Laura looked for him everyday from the window. One week passed again and next week is they wedding day, but the boy is still didn't comeback.
        Laura cried because worried about him so much. Why he is not coming back? Is he okay in there? Or is he running away? Or is he trying to forget Laura?
        The time passed so fast and tomorrow is the wedding day. But the boy still didnt comeback. Laura crying alone and waiting for him in her room. She prayed to God to bring him back and lived together again with her. Even, Laura already wear the wedding dress. Where is the boy? Why he is going to city and never coming back? Where did he go? The wedding started. All the villagers are in the church, waiting for the couple. But they shocked because the boy is not there with Laura. Laura entered the church alone without the boy! Laura walk through the church with the tears on her cheek.
        Everyone was very confused and the priest asked her where the man is? Laura just quiet. The priest asked again where the man is? And again, Laura just kept quite. At the third time the priest asked, Laura stood on her knees and cried a lot. The villagers was worried about her and trying to help her. “Stop! Wait there! Don't stop this wedding, I’m finally here!” shout someone from the front door. Everyone shocked and look to the person who shouted. “I’m sorry that I came late. That’s because I working hard in the city to bought this wedding ring for you, Laura.” Said the man who is the boy. “You...” said Laura. “Don’t cry my darling. I didn't ran away from you. I realized that all I had is the gift from your father. I didn't want to became a man like that. I want to make you mine all by my effort. So I went to the city and work in there and finally I could bought this ring for you.
        The villagers told the priest to continue the wedding. After the wedding, the boy told Laura his name. “I’m sorry I didn't answer your question that time. It was because I can’t remember my name. But now I know that my name is Heart.” Said the man. “Are you serious? Are you joking right now?” asked Laura. “No, I’m not. That was my name given from my parents. They want me to grew up to become a kind person and not to bothering and make trouble to everyone.” Answered Heart. “Yeah, but now you’re my husband and now you’re the chief of this village.” Said Laura. “No, the chief it’s you. I’m just a lumberjack. That’s what I said before, I still remember my parents said to me that I cannot grow up without my effort. So, I start from the begging. I will work hard for you.” Said Heart. “You are very naive, but you’re still have the pure heart. I still remember the moment when I saw you at the first time. You have that pure heart. And that’s why I fall in love with you.” Said Laura and hugged Heart. “Thanks for waiting for me.” Said Heart.

